Localized Standard Treatment Localized parathyroid cancer is treated with removal of the tumor and the thyroid gland on the same side. Adjacent muscles and other tissues are included if they appear to be involved. The laryngeal nerve occasionally must be removed, which may result in hoarseness. Local recurrence is common, however, and may require repeat surgery. Five-Year Survival About 50 percent Investigational • Clinical trials are evaluating combinations of surgery and radiation therapy , as well as radiation therapy alone. Metastatic Standard Treatment For metastatic parathyroid cancer, an operation is performed similar to that for localized parathyroid cancer, with removal of adjacent neck muscles and regional lymph nodes if they are involved. An attempt is made to remove as much tumor as possible to eliminate the source of excess parathyroid hormone, hypercalcemia and related metabolic problems. Five-Year Survival 30 percent